Bond Cleaning Tips

Bond Cleaning Tips

Moving house is such a big job and one that many underestimate, it can quickly become overwhelming. There is so much to do, packing all your belongings which often includes a trip or two to the dump to clear out clutter, the heavy lifting to pack a truck, then of...Read More
Water, Water Everywhere, Tips if affected by flood waters

Water, Water Everywhere, Tips if affected by flood waters

Over the past couple of weeks thousands of people have been affected by the aftermath of Cyclone Debbie in Queensland and the Far North Coast of NSW. The images on the news and social media does not even come close to giving an idea of what it is actually like for...Read More
Tile and Grout recharge

Tile and Grout recharge

A lot of home owners and business owners we have talked to think that their tiles are just getting to the end of their lifespan. They mop and mop and mop them and just cant get them looking clean. This job was that kind of scenario. We promised the cafe owner the...Read More

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